So around 9, when the Font Magica show was supposed to start, I walked back down the hill to the front steps on the museu. As I got closer, something moving in the trees below the steps caught my eye, so I watched. It was a naked guy--I mean bare-assed naked--walking in the trees and bushes near the steps. He was looking down into the plaza and didn't notice me, noticing him. I kept watching him, because I wasn't sure what he was doing (not because I'm a perv). Is there someone else in there with him? Is he a homeless person living in the bushes and if so, why is he totally naked? Is he going to streak through the fountain show? Doesn't anyone around me see him? But he didn't really do anything but look down into the plaza. After a few minutes I did start to feel like a perv watching him, so I went and sat on the steps with the other fools who apparently bought the same incorrect guidebook as me.
No show Thursday night, but I went back on Friday and got a couple pics.
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