Monday, September 10, 2012

ok, I'm back

It's been almost a year since I've blogged. I started this blog mainly to document my last vacation - to Barcelona and Paris - and have a nice way to share photos and stories with friends and family. But I've realized that I really miss writing. Not the corporate communications and talking points and speechwriting stuff I do for work, but something where I can be more creative. Hopefully, just the act of writing for myself will make me a better writer at work. 

Oh, who am I kidding. I just want somewhere that gives me more than 140 characters to bitch. 

I'm not going to tackle anything very interesting here. If you're looking for challenging political discourse or insightful cultural critique, look elsewhere. I care about what I'm going to eat next, my dogs, my family, and celebrity gossip. In that order.

I realized today that I have a guilty conscience. Interestingly, I don't feel guilty about big things. Like, I don't understand why people are so horrified by cannibalism. I don't want to eat anyonee proactively, but if I were stranded on a desert island, I don't think I'd feel any  qualms about eating someone if I hwas super hungry. Like, on day three. Seriously. If I were stuck in an elevator and I was hungry, I'd probably be tempted to eat someone. Before they ate me.

I've seen these documentaries about the Donner party and how horrified their descendants are and how it's thrown their family name into shame, blah, blah. Who cares? It happened so many generations ago. They were dying, people were dying left and right. If they hadn't done it, everyone would have died. I understand that when the party was found, they probably felt kind of weird about it. But several generations later? What do you have to be judgemental about. You wouldn't be here if they hadn't eaten their neighbors.

On the other hand, I accidentally threw half a brownie in a "recycling-only" bin tonight and as soon as I realized it, I felt really guilty. Because either someone will have to sort through that bin and pull out my brownie, or they'll just throw out the whole bin because my brownie tainted everything in it. Either way, I'm a bad, bad person.

I felt even more guilty when I crossed the street and saw two people and a beagle with a sign asking for money for food. And I regretted that I took a giant brownie and threw away half. I could have given them the other half! I was still thinking about this as I was driving home. So yeah, I have kind of messed up priorities.