Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Musee Rodin: All kinds of naked

The Musee Rodin is my favorite museum, so I took pictures of just about everything. I'll won't post all of them, but I've been there thrice now, and every time I am blown away. I love that many of the pieces are outside, in a lovely garden area, which makes it easy to imagine that the figures were actually captured in a moment of movement. Lots of people have a drawing pad out, sketching the pieces and I try to look over their shoulders, nonchalantly, so they don't notice me peeking.

Above is a close-up of The Gates of Hell which is inspired by Dante's Inferno. It's very detailed, and when you look closely, very gruesome and disturbing.

This piece below is Ugolino and it has a good story. Brief version: Ugolino was imprisoned in a tower in Pisa with his sons and grandsons where they were starved to death. As the last survivor, Ugolino ate the flesh of his sons and grandsons. Ugolino shows up in The Gates of Hell and also in this separate piece; where he's crawling over his sons.

My favorite piece, L'Idole Eternelle:

The sculpture garden:

What my dad would be doing if my mom ever dragged him to the Musee Rodin:

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