Monday, October 5, 2009

Gaudi stuff

Barcelona has lots of crazy Gaudi architecture. I think  it's pretty amazing that the city has preserved it, because there's nothing in the world like it.

These first pics are of La Pedrera (Casa Mila). The inside is really cool, but the roof is incredible. Some of the spaces are still used as apartments.

This is Casa Batllo. Supposedly, it represents the legend of St. George (patron saint of Catalonia) and his dragon. The balconies looks like the skulls of his victims, the roof looks like the dragon's scaly, humped back, and the turrent represents St. George's lance. It's so bizarre to me that people would actually build and live in something that seems like such a novelty. It's like Disneyworld stuff! And I love that the government recognizes its value and makes it a priority to preserve it.

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